
Showing posts from October, 2021
Dear Families, In anticipation of Halloween this Sunday, students are feeling very excited and enthusiastic!  If I was a kid, I would be too!  Thank you to all the students and staff who participated in our spirit day by dressing up! It was so nice to see everyone actively participating and getting into the Halloween spirit! This hasn't ever happened for me as a teacher, it's always been black, orange, and purple day which was ok too, but I'm happy we got to experience costumes at school as well.  So many AMAZING costumes!   A special thank you to Mrs. Mortimer for giving our school family this opportunity to dress up creatively!  We loved it!!     Halloween Haunt Walk About: We had an absolute blast on our walk about admiring and honouring all the blowups, and door/wall decorations displayed throughout our school.  Ask your child all about it!   We loved decorating the staff room door too.  The school was truly a sight to see and be part of!   Check out all the photos belo

Week #7 --> Oct. 18 - 22nd

Dear Families, Can you believe we're soon entering into our last week of October?  Where in the world did this month go!?  Ahhh, time sure flies when you're actively learning, growing, and having FUN all at the same time. Today's a PA Day so I hope your child's enjoyed some time to rest, relax, and do what they want to do ;) I sure keep them busy during the school week with homework, in-class tasks, and projects.  They deserve a day to themselves to play, play, PLAY! Autobiography: Thank you so much boys and girls for all your hard work in class and at home on your autobiographies.  Students slides have been thoughtfully prepared and I am very proud of the effort put forth.  I am excited to read your child's autobiography soon and get to know them on a deeper level! Oral Presentations: To help honour students' hard work and to gain valuable public speaking skills, we will be doing oral presentations.   Below, you will find the criteria that I will be using to te