Dear Families,

I would like to express my heart-felt thank you to all the Moms of my students who continuously provide their child with the love and nurturing to help them thrive in their Grade 3 school year and beyond!

Your ongoing support for your child and my teachings is cherished.  Thank you for energetically embracing me this year, it has meant the world to me!

I hope you enjoy your Mother’s Day with your family on Sunday and that you're showered with love, you deserve it!!  

The card, letters and artwork that students wrote to their Moms came from their heart and I know how excited they are to give you this note of appreciation this weekend (see below for evidence)!  I have every confidence you're going to love it too and be filled with tears of joy :-)  

At this time, I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge and extend a very happy mother's day to my very own, my Ma.  As many of you know, she is my personal hero whom I strive to make proud each and everyday.  

My Ma has been the most selfless, supportive, and nurturing parent to my brother (Anil) and I.  We are who we are today because of her unwavering love and support.

The bond between a mother and her child is truly one of a kind!  I admire, respect, and am inspired by all the mothers out there who consistently demonstrate and share their strength, dedication, and unconditional love for their children.  

I am fortunate that I have been blessed to have a mother who has been the ultimate role model and who has been there for me always.  Thank you Ma for all that you do, ALL THAT YOU ARE!  I admire and love you!!

Isn't she cute?!  :)

Meraki Mother's Day Market:
Exciting news just in time to celebrate Mother's Day!  The Meraki Market is back IN PERSON at Nottawa Hall!  As soon as I heard this, I instantly thought of the many Moms in my class and how much this market would resonate with YOU :)

Shop over 25 of Georgian Bay’s amazing Artisans, Makers and Creators that truly define the word ‘meraki.’  See the details in the image below.  The market will feature shopping, giveaways, raffles, food and much more!  YAHOOOO!

Come one, come all :-)  I'll be heading there at some point on Saturday to support my dear friend Kelly's Georgian Bay Pottery (I sent home a flyer about this earlier this week).  

Please click the link below to be directed to Kelly's social media page to get a closer look at what she has to offer!

Thank you for supporting small businesses in our South Georgian Bay area :)

Character Trait:
This month's character trait is Respect - "We treat other people the way we want them to treat us."  

To get my student's thinking about this trait in their thoughts, words, and actions, here is a public service announcement.  Please watch and discuss its message with your child.

Mental Health Week:
Did you know May 2nd to 6th is Mental Health Awareness Week? Yes, it is! As you may have gathered, the topic of nurturing and nourishing our Mental Health has been an ongoing focus and learning in our classroom. For me, this is VERY important, especially with everything that we've experienced with the ongoing pandemic.

Each day on the morning announcements, I posted learning material for teachers and students to engage in the conversation about mental health. It's starts with us, talk it out!

This year's theme is Empathy. 💙 Throughout this week (and beyond), our class continued to focus on the importance of compassion, understanding and empathy for ourselves and others as part of our collective responsibility take care of and support the well-being of those around us.
Learn more by visiting the mental health and well-being page on the SCDSB website:

Below are some accessible and friendly reminders for self-care and boosting your child's mental health and well-being. 
Thank you Kinley for connecting Wednesday's mental health focus #walkingwednesday and bringing in your Owl magazine which encourages kids to openly share their thoughts, feelings, and emotions.  

We've learned that Mental Health is nothing to be ashamed of, just like our physical health, we all have it, and need to make it a priority for our overall well-being.  

Walking most certainly is a great tool to help boost your mental health.  Go for a walk, run, or hike this weekend and reap its benefits :)  Your brain and heart will thank you!!

Day of Remembrance:

On May 5th, it was The National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and 2SLGBTQQIA+ Peoples.

The REDress Project raises awareness and draws attention to gender- and race-based violence. 

It is a time that we honour those who have gone missing, and the lives lost as well as pay tribute to the strength and resilience of families, survivors and communities. 

In class, we took a moment of silence to show our respect and reconciliation towards the survivors, the lives lost, and that we stand together as one. No one should experience gender- and race-based violence EVER. This was NOT and IS NOT ok. #putanendtoviolenceagainstindigenousgirls

To learn more visit 



A special mention and thank you to goes to our very own Jardine for paying tribute by wearing a red Ojibway hat and red sweater to help honour the strength and resilience of those indigenous families, survivors, and communities who have been affected.

By doing his part, he's showing such respect and reconciliation for our Indigenous community. Thank you Jardine for inspiring us all!!

Updated EQAO 2023:
In grade 3, students will be participating in EQAO (education quality & accountability office) which assesses their reading, writing, and mathematic skills.

I have been asked to encourage all my students for full participation in this testing so please be mindful of the dates and not book any trips or appointments during this time.  

Please jot the following dates down:  EQAO will take place on June 7th, 8th, 9th, 12th, and 13th.  We will be submitting student work by June 14th.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this academic endeavour.  

Please note, in class we have discussed how EQAO is a celebration of SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW & WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW YET!  

Students have developed a growth mindset way of thinking and I will set a positive and relaxed tone for this testing period.

I have shared with my students that this assessment is a celebration of their stars (strengths - what they know) and arrows (next steps - what they don't know YET).  I will ensure to provide a very calm, supportive, and relaxed environment for the kids during this process so everyone feels a sense of ease and comfort.  

I am proud of my grade 3's who have worked hard from the beginning of the school year to improve their reading, writing, and multi-step problem solving skills in mathematics.  We have been diligent in class to prepare for this assessment so there should not be any surprises for them.  I have every confidence each child will put in their personal best and that is all I am looking for :)

Now, please take time to read over the message below carefully from Mrs. Mortimer about our upcoming EQAO assessment.

During the week of June 6th - 10th 2022, your child will be participating in the Education Quality and Accountability Office’s (EQAO’s) Assessment of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. 

In eight half-hour sessions, students will complete a variety of assessment activities designed to allow them to demonstrate their skills and knowledge relating to reading, writing and mathematics as described in The Ontario Curriculum. The assessment is administered province-wide and is developed by Ontario teachers and assessment experts to reflect curriculum expectations. 

EQAO has developed a “Parent’s Guide to EQAO Tests” and “Questions and Answers for Parents” (available in 20 languages) to give you more information about the assessments and an understanding of what to expect. To access these resources, go to the EQAO Website (, click “Parent Resources” and then select “Primary Division (Grades 1–3) and Junior Division (Grades 4–6).” 

EQAO permits students with special needs to receive specific accommodations to enable them to participate with their peers in all aspects of the Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. These accommodations match those recorded on students’ Individual Education Plans and provided during the school year. 

Please help us to ensure your child the opportunity to achieve their personal best by having them get plenty of rest, have a good breakfast and come to school with a positive mindset. 

In preparation for the assessment you are also able to send in your child’s own set of USB-computer headphones with a microphone. These can be used by your child on this assessment as well as other activities on the chrome books. Headphones can be purchased at most major retailers like Staples and Walmart. 

Please contact the school if you have any questions about the accommodations.

Field Trip:

Exciting news!!!  On Thursday May 19 2022, the Grade 3 students will be traveling to Midhurst to visit the Simcoe County Museum.  The purpose of this trip is learning about Early Settlers which is part of the grade 3 Social Studies curriculum.

First, students will depart at 9:30am and return to the school by 3:20pm in time for the busses.

Next, students are asked to bring a peanut and nut free lunch.  A litter less lunch is also appreciated.  Vending machines are available for snacks, however, it is not encouraged.

Please note that if you have preordered pizza for this day, you can go to your child's Lunchbox account and cancel for this day.

There is a gift shop that the students will have access to if they wish to purchase a souvenir.


NOTE:  Students will be required to wear a mask while visiting the museum.  Please ensure your child has one in his or her backpack. 

The County of Simcoe currently requires all staff and visitors to wear masks in County facilities, including the Museum.  This is NOT a school request.

Finally, please have your child dress for the weather RAIN or SHINE.  Let's be prepared :)

This week's focus in math has continued to be on data.  The question posed to students was the following (see photo below).

Students are not only asked to display the data in a graph, but more importantly to interpret their findings.  An example is posted below for your reference of what I'm looking for.

As we consolidated (took up) this math task, I introduced the children to the MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, and RANGE in a data set.  Check out the video below for more information.  We watched it in class today so your child is familiar with this.  

To help reinforce this concept, I had students figure out the mean, median, mode, and range of their family's age.  This activity has come home in your child's agenda.  See my example below for reference.

Please review this activity with your child to help practice this new learning!  Many thanks in advance :-)   

School Principals' Day:
School Principals' Day was recognized on May 1st.  It is a day the Simcoe County District School Board acknowledges the valuable work performed by our principals and vice-principals.

Over our morning announcements this week, we acknowledged our very own Mrs. Mortimer for her tremendous care and compassion that she brings to our school community each and every day!

Thank you Mrs. Mortimer for creating inclusive and positive learning environments for our students, staff and families. I personally have a tremendous amount of respect for you. You truly have been an extraordinary leader for our school community! #wehonouryou 

In class, we regularly reinforce the importance of "Living is Giving" and that's exactly what Rose and her Mom did earlier this week!

Get ready to read the story as shared by Rose's Mom (thank you for this).  Their care and compassion for those (animals and humans) around them is awe-inspiring!!  

An Empathetic Experience:
"I’m not sure Rose shared her discovery in our chicken yard with you yesterday, but I know she wanted to.  We now have baby chicks!  Rose and I saved the life of one of our baby chicks!  

One day when we got home, Rose found one of the baby chicks fallen outside of the coop.  Limp, all sprawled out, no movement, dehydrated and stone cold.  But then I thought I saw a tiny movement as Rose held it in her hands and so I took it and held it up to my ear.  I heard it’s tiny heart beat ever so slowly.  

The chick wasn’t really moving, I thought my eyes and ears were playing tricks on me so I thought maybe he could be barely alive.  Then it slightly moved again.  So I decided to drop some droplets of water off my fingers down his beak a few times and held him up to the heat lamp and slowly he started to come to life and peeped again a little.  

Rose was with me watching through her tears and together we took turns nursing him back to life after holding him and feeding him water like this for about 45 minutes.  

Afterwards, we put it back under mama chicken.  When we checked on him before closing up the coop for night, the little guy was ok!!!  

In morning, it was hopping around as though life the day before had not been precarious.  Just goes to show what a little care can do for all living things.  This little guy was barely a day old and already so much trauma.  Glad we were able to help."

Oh my goodness, thank you for sharing your empathetic ways!  It has certainly left us inspired to help others and NEVER GIVE UP even when the 'odds seem grim!'  

"No one is too small to make a difference!!"  Thank you for staying true to Greta Thunberg's message, you're living proof of this!!

On Monday morning, the Ridout boys (Jardine and his younger brother Blackey) brightened up our classroom by bringing in some gorgeous lilies for us.  Awww, thank you!!    

How precious is this!?  Your compassionate ways are cherished Ridout family!!  The lilies are shining brightly and we're so happy they're part of our 'home away from home' (the classroom).

Every day is Earth Day for Evelyn, I love it!  This makes me sooo happy!!  We've done some significant discussions about climate change and now that we know more about it and what it means, the kids are determined to help change the world!!  A teacher's dream come true :-)  

Thank you Evelyn for signing out this book from the library to share with our class family.  With children like the ones I have in my class, the planet's in good hands and they can and will make a positive change!!! 

I would now like to share the author's very special note to the readers of his book.  I thought it was very inspiring and believe you will too :-)

Author's Note:
"One of our greatest strengths as humans is our capacity to empathize with one another.  That means we can feel what the other feels.

When I see a forest going up in smoke, I feel the flames myself.  When I gaze upon the moon's reflection on a lake, I feel as calm as the still waters.  

It is empathy that connects us and allows for compassion and love.  We cannot fully understand what we do not feel.

We often practice empathy for other humans, but we forget that we are also part of a larger family.  From delicate spiders to big elephants, and within lush jungles and the deepest seas, we are all Earth - dependent on one another for survival.  This fragile balance has been endangered by our lack of love and knowledge.

This is our ONLY HOME.  The time is NOW to honour Earth's natural past, open our eyes to the present, and protect the future for those still to come.

Come join me."  ~ Marc Majewski  

A must watch Mother's Day message for all my students amazing Moms!!  I thought of you instantly when I came across this.

A Mother's comfort and care is truly immeasurable and as your child's teacher, please know, I see, hear, and feel their love for YOU (Mom) each and every day!  Thank you for being YOU :-)  

Growth Mindset:
Thank you Kinley for sharing this meaningful quote!  May we all look out for each other ... humans, animals, plants, etc ... we are all connected!!

Ms. Gill


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